





Ventilation pipes are mainly used in industrial and construction projects. The main areas of application are as follows: the purification system of dust-free workshop in electronic industry, the purification system of sterile workshop in pharmaceutical and food industry, the central air conditioning system in hotels, shopping malls, hospitals, factories and office buildings, the exhaust pipes and industrial environment for industrial pollution control, such as dust removal, smoke exhaust, oil suction, etc. Or post comfortable air supply pipe, coal mine gas drainage gas drainage system, coal mine environment control air supply system, etc. are often developed into escape and dive into special roads in film and television, animation.
通风管道是为了使空气流通,下降有害气体浓度的一种市政基础设施。通风管,风管制造与装置所用板材、型材以及其他首要制品资料,应契州苗木  保定电动门 保定空压机 化粪池模具 微型蠕动泵 保定强夯 收费岛模具合规划及有关商品国家现行规范的规则,并使用出厂查验合格证明,资料出场时应按国家现行有关规范进行检验。
Ventilation pipes are a municipal infrastructure designed to allow air circulation and reduce the concentration of harmful gases. The information of the plates, profiles and other primary products used in the manufacture and installation of ventilation ducts and air ducts shall conform to the rules of the planning and the current national standards for commodities concerned, and shall be verified by the certificate of qualifications for factory inspection. The data shall be inspected in accordance with the relevant national standards in force when they appear on the market


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版权 © 广州通风管道诚信加工厂 网址:guandao.89ix.com  推荐:广州通风管道,广州螺旋风管,广州不锈钢风管

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