





塑料对很多人来说是白色污染,虽还没到谈之色变的程度,但是也对我们的环境有严重的危害。但是对废弃塑料开展分类收集及保值资源化利用,“变废为宝”杜 绝污染。
Plastics are white pollution to many people, although not to mention the degree of discoloration, but it also has serious harm to our environment. However, the waste plastics should be classified and collected, and the value-preserving and resource-based utilization should be carried out to "turn waste into treasure" to eliminate pollution.
We have reached a consensus on prohibiting people from discarding plastics. The main ways of recycling waste plastics are: recovering the heat value of waste plastics after burning, but some of its components will enter the atmosphere with smoke, causing secondary pollution; making low-grade plastics after adding plasticizers and other materials; making building materials and road materials after processing. In order to increase the value of recycling waste plastics and prevent environmental shijiazhuang.89ix.comhefei.89ix.com nanning.89ix.comwuhan.89ix.comtangshan.89ix.comzhangjiakou.89ix.compollution, we can classify and recycle plastic garbage from the source according to its variety: deposit is used for beverage bottles, after recycling, new beverage bottles are processed; plastic containers such as dripping in hospitals are recycled and reused, and heat value is recovered by incineration for plastic products contaminated in hospitals; Foamed plastic used for collision prevention and filling in express box transportation can also be recycled and reused. For plastic mulch in rural areas, it should be forcibly scrapped after expiration of use and reused after recycling.
Strengthen the propaganda and education of recycling waste plastics, requiring units and individuals to carry out preliminary cleaning of discarded money, and classify according to material, so as to facilitate recycling and value-preserving utilization.


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